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Dutchess Lattimore Birthday and Biography


Born:     February 24, 1984

Birthplace:       Lincolnton, NC

Zodiac Sign:  Pisces


Owner of Pretty-N-Ink, Crystana ‘Dutchess’ Lattimore hails from Lincolnton, North Carolina. She graduated cum laude from North Carolina A&T State University with a bachelor’s degree in business management, concentration in Visual Art.

While studying in graduate school for her M.B.A. she discovered her passion for tattoo artistry and quickly became a respected and sought out tattoo artist in her area.

In 2010, she moved to New York City where she instantly became a highly esteemed member of the ink community.

Soon after, she found herself involved with a career changing opportunity with VH1. After creating a name for herself and following her dreams, Dutchess finally opened her very own Tattoo Boutique, Pretty-N-Ink in Charlotte, NC. 

